السبت، 12 أكتوبر 2013

Stage 4 Lung Cancer Life Expectancy

Stage 4 Lung Cancer Life Expectancy

Before knowing about stage 4 lung cancer life expectancy you should know some basic factors about stage 4 lung cancer and their affect on the life expectancy of the patient. Though every type of cancer is a dangerous disease as most of the time it is diagnosed at a very later stage. Similar is the condition with lung cancer. Most of the patients suffering from lung cancer are diagnosed at the stage 4 of the disease which is too late for the patient to survive for long.

Still chances for stage 4 lung cancer life expectancy differ with every individual patient depending upon various factors as discussed in brief hereunder.

Factors affecting life expectancy for stage 4 lung cancer patients

Location and type of lung cancer: Lung cancer is usually observed in different types as sometimes it is found confined in a specific region whereas sometimes it spreads over extensively to a larger area. Age of the patient: Life expectancy for younger people having stage 4 lung cancer is more than the older people.Gender of the patient: Chances of life expectancy in stage 4 lung cancer are more with women than men.General health of the patient: If the general health of the patient at the time of diagnosis of lung cancer is good then the chances of life expectancy increase considerably. He becomes able to survive for longer time on the basis of the treatments provided to recover from the problem. Any other health problem may reduce his life expectancy considerably.Response to the treatment: Chemotherapy and various other therapies including radiation therapy used to treat stage 4 lung cancer usually have various types of side effects. If the patient is not able to tolerate these side effects then the life expectancy may reduce otherwise he can survive for longer. Complications due to lung cancer: Several complications caused due to lung cancer like clotting of blood etc. can also adversely affect his life expectancy at stage 4.

Along with these factors there a number of statistical proofs that can help you in making up your mind about the life expectancy of the stage 4 lung cancer patients. Though these results are based on the statistics received some years back but they still prove to be true at present. It has been proved that almost fifty percent of the stage 4 lung cancer patients survive not more than 8-10 months after their diagnosis.
Chances of their survival up to 5 years are not found in more than 10% case, only if they respond to the treatments effectively.

Moreover chances of life expectancy for stage 4 lung cancer patients are limited. At this stage this disease can be treated only to restrain it from spreading. Its cure is almost impossible at this stage. The treatment can only help in reducing the symptoms of the disease which can help the patient to survive for some more time.

Affect of various treatments on life expectancy

The lung cancer is said to be of stage 4 when it spreads to various distant organs from the site of its origin. It can be easily treated if not progressed to other sites and remained at a specific site only. But in any case it can not be cured by using localized therapies including radio therapy or surgery. In some cases of stage 4 lung cancer
chemotherapy plays important role in increasing life expectancy if the patient responds to it positively. Some patients respond effectively to currently introduced drugs known as cytotoxic drugs to get positive affect on their disease.

But in certain cases patients respond less to chemotherapy when their cancer reverts back after some time even if they were effectively positive to this treatment at their initial stage 4. it is due to the chromosomes of cancer cells get used to the affect of chemotherapy due to various genetic or epigenetic changes in your body. The responsive cells in the tumor of lung cancer were killed in your successful initial treatment. But the presence of less responsive cancer cells at the site of cancer had redeveloped the problem which is least treatable easily. Thus their life expectancy gets reduced considerably.

Thus stage 4 lung cancer life expectancy depends on various factors as discussed in
this article. You should evaluate all the factors discussed to find out the exact life expectancy.

الجمعة، 11 أكتوبر 2013

Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment

Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment

There are mainly two kinds of lung cancer: small cell and non-small cell lung cancer. 80% of lung cancer is usually non-small cell lung cancer. It can grow in bronchial tube lining, air sacs, mucus glands or outer edges of one's lungs. In distinction, small cell lung cancer normally involves out-sized, small cells that start in the bronchi in the middle of the chest that multiply faster to form large tumors that can spread all over one's body. This kind of lung cancer is normally caused by smoking always. With the many patients who are diagnosed by the disease, 97% are normally older than 45 years.

Even though the two forms of lung cancer are sturdily connected to smoking, 90% of people with SCLC are previous or current smokers. After the cancer cells have developed in one's body, they will discharge hormones that can act autonomously to cause disorder in the system and then spread the cancer anyhowly. This is at times known as paraneoplastic phenomenon.

Small cell lung cancer treatment is just similar to that of non-small cell even though it has some few exceptions. Because of some difficulties in detecting this kind of cancer when it is still in its early stages, at the time it is diagnosed, this kind of cancer is usually advanced. As a matter of fact, several studies indicate that 40% of small cell lung cancer is usually diagnosed at a later stage. The present treatment methods are built on diagnosis. When it comes to SCLC, it is either extensive or limited in that it is still relatively localized. Extensive means that it has been metastasized. For few patients, the tumor can be removed surgically.

Most doctors usually use chemotherapy as a first line protocol in most of SCLC cases. Second line therapies might include surgery and internal or external radiation. External radiation usually focuses on high beams in areas that are affected from outside of the body. Some of the side effects if this procedure include peeling of the skin, irritation and extreme fatigue.

Another small cell lung cancer treatment option is brachytherapy or radiotherapy. The procedure is normally used to shrink the tumors that cause extreme discomfort, or in combination with the first line treatment. One new method that is being used by doctors nowadays is stereotactic external radiotherapy. This method focuses on high doses of outward energy on detailed areas. Currently, all kinds if small cell lung cancer is normally attacked with either one or two of the above methods.

الخميس، 10 أكتوبر 2013

Lung Cancer Prognosis

Lung Cancer Prognosis

 Lung cancer, like all the cancers, comes from an abnormality of basic units of life in human body. Normal body can support certain systems of checks and balances of cell development, so that cells will divide only when that is necessary. Disruption of this system on cell growth results can results in an uncontrolled division and proliferation of cells which eventually create a mass that is called a tumor.

Tumors can be malignant and benign. When there is word about cancer, then that is only referring to those tumors which are malignant, that is because benign tumors can, in most of the cases, be simply removed so they don't spread on other parts of body.
On the other hand, malignant tumors are continuously growing aggressively and attack other body tissues. They enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system, and then they create new tumors on other body parts. This process is called tumor transplantation or metastasis.

Lung cancer has tendency of spreading after short amount of time after the formation, which makes him very dangerous to life and it is one of the forms of cancer which are hardest to cure. Places where metastases are mostly find are liver, brain and bones, but it can be almost any other part of body.
It can occur pretty much in any parts of the lung, but more than 90 percent of lung cancers arise from their epithelial cells and smaller airways so this is the reason why it is being called lung cancer.

The main function of the lungs it to exchange certain gases that are between air we breathe and the blood. Through lungs, carbon dioxide is being removed from blood, and oxygen from the air enters in our bloodstream. Right lung has three lobes, while the left lung is primarily composed of two lobes called Lingula, which is kind of an equivalent of middle lobe that is placed on the right side. The lungs and the inner side of the chests are covered with thin layer of tissue which is called pleura.
Cancer can arise simply from the pleura. That type of cancer is also called mesothelioma and it also belongs to a very aggressive and dominant type of tumor that is highly unlikely to cure. Very rarely malignant tumors in the chance can arise from supporting tissue or blood vessels.

Lung cancer prognosis may indicate on a chance to cure the lung cancer and it primarily depends on the localization of that cancer, size, symptoms presence, type of lung cancer and most importantly is to discover your lung cancer before it is too late.

SCLC is the most aggressive type of lung cancer with low survival rate, and with a median survival of only two to five months after diagnosis, if the cancer is not cured. However, this type of lung cancer is at the same time the type of lung cancer which is very sensitive to chemotherapy or radiation. SCLS is commonly spreading very quickly and it usually metastasizes at the time of diagnosis, methods like surgical removal or even localized radiation therapy can be far more useful and effective in treating of SCLC.
Survival rate for patients with this kind is not very encouragable, mainly because of the fact that only around 5-10 percent of patients with this type of cancer can survive over five years after the time of diagnosis. Most of the survivors have had localized SCLS disease.

At lung cancer of bigger cells, the very most important prognostic factor can be stage of the disease when it has been diagnosed. Results of standard procedure of medication can be generally poor at all of the stages of lung cancer, as well as those with tumors who can be fully removed. In the initial stage of cancer when tumor can be surgically fully removed, five year survival rate is around 80 percent.

Radiotherapy can also be very effective for smaller number of patients with this type of cancer, and most of them can experience relieved symptoms. In more advanced stages of the lung cancer, chemotherapy can give very modest results and full survival rate can be very small.

Lung cancer prognosis can be very effective if you check it at an early stage of lung cancer, if lung cancer has been discovered at more advanced stages than chances of survival are very small.

الأربعاء، 9 أكتوبر 2013

Lung Cancer Types

Lung Cancer Types

Lung cancer is a disease that is characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells in the lung tissues. In case it is left untreated, the growth spreads beyond the lungs in a process known as metastasis into the rest of the body and adjacent tissues. There are differences in lung cancer that started in the lungs and the type of cancer that spreads to the lungs from other parts of the body.

Cancer that started in the lungs

These are the lung cancer types that primarily start within the lungs and they are primarily called lung cancer. They are of different types and they are divided into two groups of lung cancer types:

          . Small cell lung cancer

          . Non small cell lung cancer

The small cell lung cancer- among 18 out of a 100 cancers that are diagnosed are of this type. It is named as small cell lung cancer because when it is looked under a microscope, the cancer cells looks small and they are mostly filled nucleus which is the control centre of the body cells. This type of cancer is also known as oat cell cancer. It’s the type of cancer that is usually caused from smoking. This type of cancer can rarely affect a person who has never smoked in his life. This kind of cancer usually spreads very early and doctors will often recommended one to go for chemotherapy treatment instead of surgery.

The non small cell lung cancer- here are 3 lung cancer types that are common. These three are grouped together because they behave in a similar manner and they respond to treatment in different ways as compared to small cell lung cancer. In UK, they make up about 78 % of all lung cancers. They include:

        . Large cell carcinoma

        . Adenocarcinoma

        . Squamous cell carcinoma

In most cases, it is not easy for one to know the kind of non small lung cancer that one has. This is not possible unless some few cells are taken during biopsy. It becomes more difficult for one to realize which type non small lung cancer one is suffering from in case the cells are not developed. The cells of cancer that are not developed or are underdeveloped are called undifferentiated cells. Thus, the doctor will say that one has undifferentiated kind of non small cell lung cancer. But this will not make any much difference with the kind of treatment that you receive as most of these kinds of cancers are treated almost in the same way. 

Squamous cell cancer

This is the most common cancer that affects most people. It develops from the cells that line on the airway and they are often found in the center of the main airways of the lungs. It is usually caused by smoking.


This also develops on the cells that line the airway and it develops from a certain cell that produces phlegm (mucus). This type of cancer is usually found in the outer parts of the lungs. This type of cancer is increasing to affect many people.

Large cell carcinoma

This type of cancer is called so because its cells look large as well as rounded when they are looked under a microscope. This is the type of cancer that usually tends to grow fast.

Cancer that spreads into the lungs

This is also called secondary cancer if it spreads from the outer of the lungs to the lungs. There are quite very few types of cancers that can spread into the lungs, including bowel cancer and breast cancer. In case you are diagnosed with having lung cancer and you had already had another type of cancer, then you should ask your doctor whether the type of cancer that is stated has spread into the lungs or it started from the lungs. In case you have secondary cancer, then you need to look at its origin. For example, in case you have breast cancer that came from the lungs, then it is crucial to look at information about breast cancer. The type of treatment you get depends on where the cancer came from. In case the cancer spread from the breast to the lungs, then the cancer cells are of the breast and not lung cancer cells. Thus, they will respond well to treatments of breast cancer. 


This is a rare type of lung cancer and it affects the pleura (lung covering). It is usually caused due to exposure to asbestos. This is totally different from lung cancer.

الاثنين، 7 أكتوبر 2013

Stage 4 lung cancer

Stage 4 lung cancer

 Stage 4 lung cancer will be the last stage of carcinoma of the lung that is also known as Metastatic Cancer. This is actually the condition where the cancer cells have affected both lung area and other areas of the body, such as mind, bones, liver and so on. However, 40 percent of people diagnosed with cancer of the lung are already in stage 4 when they are first diagnosed. It's not uncommon like earlier stages usually misidentified as other significantly less serious health issues. Thanks to healthcare improvements, a medical diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer doesn't mean which they cannot lengthen their existence. The life expectancy of the affected person can be improved through certain treatments so the patients could live longer, generally about 7 to 12 months since they will be diagnosed, although the cancer is incurable. Some people are even able to survive for years, even up to 7 years.

Stage 4 lung cancer isn't curable but experts are generally up-to-date with medical experiments to enhance life span of patients. Metastatic lung cancer indicates a malignant tumor of any volume, with or without nodes, that has spread to other sections of the actual lung or to a different section of the body. Oncologists define cancer periods by the size of the tumour, lymph nodes and how wide is the progression of the disease to organs other than the lung itself.

The particular rate of survival for Stage Four lung cancer will depend on many factors for example age, the overall wellness background and the way the illness has developed in the body. Only a few victims would stay among us farther than 20 months after the diagnosis. Life expectancy at this stage is eight to 12 months.

Eliminating all the growths using surgery is impossible. Nonetheless, treatment is still to be considered even though the survival rate is very limited at this point. Chemotherapy and targeted radiation are recommended, if the patient may bear them. At this stage therapy would improve the life quality from the victim and help tolerance to lung cancer symptoms. Radiation therapy would act as palliative more than preventive. Consequently, this therapy is useful in relieving signs and symptoms such as breath issues, bone pain because of disease infecting the bone and also weaknesses or, headaches or , when it comes to a brain metastasis.

Usually, a new lung cancer is not detected on its early stage. Most signs or symptoms start to manifest only at the actual later stage of the condition. Some stage 4 United States symptoms are persistent hacking and coughing and sometimes with bloody phlegm, shortness of breath, hoarseness of voice, problems in swallowing, tenderness regarding muscles with intolerable muscle pains, repeated occurrence involving pneumonia or bronchitis and low energy. Affecting the brain, the symptoms are severe headaches, vision changes and also seizure attacks. For the liver as well as adrenals, a cancer sufferer may experience stomach pain, fever, yellow skin, swollen lower limbs, weight loss and also loss of hunger. Bone breakage happens even when there's no injury that came about. Be aware however that differing people might show different signs and symptoms since this will rely on the other bodily organs influenced.

One should undergo multiple tests when most of the symptoms express. Stage 4 lung cancers may be diagnosed through various assessments like chest x-rays, bone reads, CT scans or MRI (magnetic resonance image resolution), ultrasound and other blood checks. After taking all the essential tests and a diagnosis has been manufactured, an individual who is said to have this ailment is entitled to get a second opinion, after all, its his / her life that is at stake. Notice however that this lung cancer doesn't have more cures but you can find treatment methods that an individual might undergo to reduce pain with a certain level, slow down the growth of cancer cells and lengthen his life.

One should remember that these symptoms are also common signs of other diseases. If you feel like getting affected of a dangerous ailment like cancer of the lung, you must right away consult a medical professional. A licensed pulmonologist provides you with some tests that will determine if you really have a tumour in your lungs.

Multiple tests are granted for someone who is suspected to become having stage 4 respiratory cancers. Chest x-rays, CT scans, MRI (permanent magnetic resonance imaging) blood test and sonography are necessary tests to determine if one really has a cancerous growth in his lungs. Everyone is eligible for have a second opinion in case diagnosed of lung cancer. One must remember that the last stage of cancer has a minimal record of treatment. Even if there are treatment methods available, they're only to slow down the growth of the actual tumour in the different tissues and organs in his entire body.

The five-year survival rate of phase 4 cancer of the lung is just with 3 percent chance of survival. You must take note that these records have been determined in the past 10 years. Using the advancement of medical technology along with improvised methods of treating cancer, stage 4 lung cancer survival rates can further be improved.

Stage 3 lung cancer

Stage 3 lung cancer

Stage 3 lung cancer is declared on a patient if the cancerous cells have spread to other delicate parts of the chest especially the lung lining or the chest cavity. It is, therefore, isolated on the chest region and is associated with larger nodules. The stage 3 lung cancer has been categorized into 3A and 3B for diagnosis purposes. Stage 3A is a "locally advanced" cancer cell. This means that the tumor has not yet spread to the distant regions, but within the lymph nodes especially where the tumor has developed in the body. On the other hand, stage 3B is an advanced lung cancer together with stage 4, though stage 4 is very chronic. Although it is normally considered incurable, it is actually treatable to prevent the extensive damage of the cancer cells in other parts of the body.

It is estimated that a high percentage of patients in stage three of lung cancer progress to stage 4 while the rest may be successful to control and manage the advancement of cancerous cells during prognosis.Stage 4 of the lung cancer is considered as the chronic stage where the survival of the patient is very low, therefore, referred to as metastatic cancer.

Stage three overview and explanations

The stage 3 cancer generally means that the cancerous cells have been spread to most parts of the chest cavities, lungs and most likely the lymph nodes. The process of prognosis normally diminishes depending solely on the patient if he or she is categorized with 3B or 3A lung cancer. Whereas treatments are available in this stage, there is a significant disparity between the whole life prognosis especially those categorized with 3A and 3B lung cancer stages. It is a common observation that patients in this lung cancer stage have a profound and discouraging prognosis.

3A Prognosis

In many cases, patients with 3A stage lung cancer have an overall rate of 24% of prognosis for the next 6 years; however, this may vary from patient to patient. Additionally, the tumors may be small or large in sizes and are spread throughout the lung linings and lymph nodes. It is interesting to note that they are only located in one side of the human chest together with tumor. As time progresses with no immediate medical attention, stage 3B slowly emerges with mild symptoms on the patient.

3A treatments

The stage 3A lung cancer has very poor prognosis and patients within this category are normally considered as clinical trial patients especially for new treatments. The traditional medicine is preferred like surgery, combination of chemotherapy and medicines, surgery and chemotherapy, and radiation treatments. If, in some cases, the stage 3A lung cancer is inoperable, doctors may administer various chemo-therapies that are available.

3B Prognosis

This stage has been considered as very invasive and very poor in prognosis. A patient with stage 3B has an approximately 6% to 11% prognosis of survival for the next 6 years. Additionally, it is also considered as an advanced lung cancer and includes tumors that are in the lungs, the lymph nodes and other areas of the chest like the heart or esophagus. In addition to the rapid growth of tumor that are spreading, the lung cancer patient normally exhibits some malignant pleural effusion, a concentration of fluids containing cancer cells located in between the layers and the linings of the lungs.

3B Treatment

It is a common observation that 3B cancer is not curable, but the patient can be treated in order to lengthen his or her life. Additionally, 3B lung cancer is inoperable, and radiation treatment and a blend of chemotherapy are often pursued. It is sad to note that approximately fifty percent of 3B lung cancer patients may not survive after the first 14 months upon the initial the 3B lung cancer treatment.


Both of the lung cancer stages, 3A and 3B, have been considered as very dangerous stages. Previous cases show that the chances of survival are very minimal. However, studies indicate that patients in this stage can survive which depends solely on the treatment and the rate of advancement of cancer throughout their body. Therefore, it is good to have a regular clinical check-up so as to manage and control the rate of advancement given that it is not curable, but treatable. Additionally, it is advisable to follow the diets that restrain the growth of cancerous cells in the body in the long run.

الأحد، 6 أكتوبر 2013

Stage 2 lung cancer

Stage 2 lung cancer

Cancer is one of the most serious diseases faced by the human beings these days. There are a large number of different cancers and the common thing among all these types of cancers is that they are all curable when they are in the earliest stage of development. But in the advanced stages, there is no treatment and even if there is treatment, it's very difficult to save the patient. So what is stage 2 lung cancer and how to deal with that? Let us see the signs that usually occur in stage 2 lungs cancer and how to deal with it.

During the second stage of lungs cancer, the disease has spread to lymph nodes and all other vital parts of the body. Hence the treatment is a little bit difficult, but still there are chances of survival for the patient. The degree to which it has spread to all other lymph nodes determines the extent of the disease and the success of treatment. The disease might or mightn't have spread to main bronchus. If it hasn't spread to main bronchus, the treatment would more likely be successful and if it has spread over them, the treatment is less likely to end in success.

The size of the tumor also determines the success rate of the treatment. As everyone knows it very well, the most important causes for lungs cancer are smoking and tobacco consumption. If you are a chain smoker, the chances that your disease might have spread to almost all your vital organs before it is discovered are very high. On the other hand, if you aren't a smoker, your chances of escaping the capital punishment because of the cancer are very high! So if you are a smoker, it is the right time to quit it completely.

So what are the important symptoms of second stage lungs cancer? There are many symptoms, but many times the patient fails to detect the problem as these symptoms are commonly seen with other common diseases also. Persistent cough is the most important symptom of this disease. Along with that, cough with blood is also seen among the people who are in the acute stage of lungs cancer. Chest pain is also another serious symptom of this disease. Chest pain is usually the symptom of heart disease, but remembers; sometimes it could be the symptom of something more serious also. Lungs cancer is also one such serious illness about which you need to be careful always.

Treatment for the disease is somewhat complicated. At the second stage, the disease is not simple enough to cure easily, but still it is possible to cure it. There are many treatment options like chemotherapy and lungs surgery for stage 2 lung cancer treatment. The success rate of the treatment once again depends on many factors such as the size of the tumor, the overall health status of the patient and his ability to respond to the treatment. So if you are suffering from stage 2 lung cancer, there is no need to lose heart. Your positive attitude will surely lead you to good health.

Stage 1 lung cancer

Stage 1 lung cancer

Stage 1 lung cancer is never a fun diagnosis but there is still hope. Stage 1 means that the cancer is local, and has not spread to any other organs or the lymph nodes.The five year survival rate for those diagnosed in the first stage is 60 to 80% survival. It may not be as heartening as 100%, but the odds are still in favor of the patient and not the disease. There are variables such as whether you have small cell cancer or non-small cell lung cancer. Non-small cell cancer spreads more slowly and some types of cancers are easier to treat than others.

There are also a variety of factors in life expectancy that can alter the outcome. Younger patients are more likelier to do better than older patients. Your gender is also relevant. Women have a better life expectancy at every stage of lung cancer. General health is also important. How healthy you are when diagnoses can affect how you do and respond to treatment. Other health conditions you may have also factor in. Illnesses such as heart disease can significantly lower life expectancy in the first stage. Cessation of smoking for those who smoke can significantly influence survival expectancy rate as well.

Stage 1 Lung Cancer Treatment

Treatment of lung cancer depends on whether the cancer is small cell or non-small cell. With Stage 1 small cell cancer, there is Stage 1A, where the cancer is actually less than 3 centimeters. In Stage 1B it is greater than 3 cm. For both stages there are no nodes and no metastasis, or spreading of the cancer.
Surgery is the preferred choice for Stage 1. If patients have lung cancer that is unable to be operated on, radiation therapy is an option. There is also a new type of surgery called stereotactic body radiotherapy for those who are unable to do surgery. Chemotherapy is not recommended for those with stage 1A. Adjuvant chemotherapy is suggested for some patients with Stage 1B to kill any remaining cancer cells left over after surgery.
Even with surgery being a success, one out of three patients will have stage 1 lung cancer recur either in the same site or elsewhere in the body. For those diagnosed with stage 1, lung cancer is not a death sentence. Studies suggest that learning about and researching the disease helps increase the chances of beating it. Look for support groups, search online for forums, research clinical trials, and tell friends and family. With the support of loved ones and knowledge about the disease, people with stage 1 can overcome and go on to lead healthy, happy lives.

السبت، 5 أكتوبر 2013

Who discovered lung Cancer

Who discovered lung Cancer

Before the availability of cigarettes lung cancer was rather a rare disease. As a matter of fact the disease was not identified until the mid 1700s. In 1761, it was recognized as a distinct disease and an array of characteristics of the disease were identified in 1810. In the late 19th as well as in the early 20th centuries some minor connection between lung tumors and lung cancer were identified.

However, it was not until 1929 when the connection between smoking and lung cancer were discovered, by German physician Fritz Lickint. The discovery led to a wide spread campaign against the use of tobacco in general and smoking in particular especially in the then Nazi German. The discovery was as a result of several clinical studies linking lung cancer preference with enhanced smoking. Most of heavy smoking then shown were at higher risk of developing the disease and indeed were the leading victims of the disease. This statistical backing formed a strong bases of Frizt discovery.

In 1950s a number of researchers from Britain (England) published an article in the British Doctors Study that provided concentrate and formidable proof, epidemiological evidence and statistics to link smoking with lung cancer. The study also linked smoking to a number of other diseases including myocardial infarction, respiratory disease just to mention but a few. As such the discovery of lung cancers is to a large extend to the works by the British Doctors Study.

Recognition that smoking causes lung cancer
The very first research towards this line was done by Richard Doll and Austin Bradford both British physiologist and epidemiologist respectively. This team of two was later to be joined by Sir Richard Peto a professor at the University of Oxford. The three then run several random tests, analyzed them and later prepared a report and published the subsequent studies.

It was due to this discovery that the Surgeon general of the United States recognized smoking as the lead cause of the lung cancer in 1964 and started a campaign against it.
But the question is who discovered lung cancer? Was it discovered by Frizt or the British researchers. And did they actually discover lung cancer or the link between lung cancer and smoking. The question of who discovered lung cancer is for an individual to give answer for himself or herself. What this article intended to do is to provide facts surround the topic under discussion thus enlighting people to make more informed decision.

الثلاثاء، 1 أكتوبر 2013

What Is Small Cell Lung Cancer

What Is Small Cell Lung Cancer

Being diagnosed with small cell lung cancer cannot be good news to any individual who is affected. What is small cell lung cancer? This is a cancer type which develops when small

cells of the lungs begin to grow quickly in an uncontrolled manner. In the end, this will lead to formation of cancerous tumor in the cells.

The extent of the spread of small cell lung cancer can be determined by a method that involves staging. Your treatment plan will be implemented depending on the extent of the cancer. Small cell lung cancer can be either extensive or limited. Since the disease is normally detected mostly when the cancerous cells have spread, majority of individuals will be diagnosed with the type that is considered to be extensive. This usually means that cancer cells have attacked other body parts including the brain and survival rates for the affected victims is usually very low.

Certain risk factors can be attributed to the disease. The condition is attributable to tobacco smoking and pollution. Exposure to harmful chemicals such as uranium, asbestos, radon and many others are also considered major causes of small lung cell cancer. Your lungs have the responsibility of providing the body with oxygen when you breathe. Some of the symptoms that might indicate you are affected are shortness of breath, coughing blood or mucus and chest pains. Should you experience any of the symptoms, you should visit your doctor immediately. An experienced doctor will perform several tests and commence the appropriate treatment plan.

When you are diagnosed with the disease, a lifestyle change will be mandatory. It is a good idea to get copious amounts of fresh air and sunlight. You should additionally eat lots of nuts, fruits and vegetables. Remember also to take plenty of nutritional supplements that are natural including vitamins. Drink lots of purified water daily and make an effort of engaging in regular exercise routines and importantly, pray to God every day.

A combination of chemotherapy and surgery are the most preferred forms of treatment procedures. A healthy lifestyle change can be achieved with the help of loved ones, relatives, friends and doctors. Total lifestyle changes have previously shown remarkable improvements in quality of life. Joining social networks such as clubs meant for cancer survivors is a good idea. Ensure you read blogs and forums widely so that you keep abreast with any new developments and make an effort of informing the masses regarding what is small cell lung cancer since this will also help the other victims fight it.